This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).
The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:
MicroStream connects your application's entity graph residing in memory to a physical form of data (i.e. persistent data) to/from which entity data is stored/loaded as required.
MicroStream uses the common concept of "Lazy Loading", allowing you to define which parts of your data (entity sub-graphs) are loaded only when required instead of eagerly at startup. A few well-placed lazy references in your entity model make your application load only a tiny bit of "head" entities at startup time and load everything else later on demand. This allows the handling of arbitrarily big databases with relatively small memory requirements.
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).
The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:
No. MicroStream allows you to store any Java object. Instances of any and all types can be handled, there are no special restrictions like having to implement an interface, using annotations or having a default constructor (see POJO). Only types bound to JVM-internals like Thread, IO-streams and the like are deliberately excluded from being persistable since they could not be properly recreated upon loading, but such instances should not be part of entity data models, anyway.
During initialization, MicroStream automatically checks if your runtime entity classes are still matching the persistent data. Mismatches are automatically mapped when loading data based on predefined rules that you can extend and overwrite on a per-case basis if needed.
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).
The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:
MicroStream stores persistent data in a physical form, typically in native file-system files.
Yes, as many as you like. Each MicroStream instance represents one coherent entity graph of persistent data.
Yes. This is already done automatically. The minimum and maximum size of every partial file can be configured, although this is a very technical detail that should not be relevant in most cases.
At any given time, only one JVM process may directly access the files representing a unique set of data. Such a restriction is crucial for the correct execution of any application: changes to an application's persistent data have to be guarded by the rules of the application's business logic, i.e. the process that currently runs the application. Allowing another process to bypass these rules would eventually result in catastrophic consistency errors. The requirement to distribute an application over multiple processes must be solved by a clustering approach (e.g. by distributing logic AND persistent data over multiple processes or by having one process to serve as the data master for multiple worker processes).
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).
The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:
Yes. In fact, every storing of data is executed as a transaction, an atomic all-or-nothing action. When one or more entities are stored, their data is collected into a continuous block of bytes and that block is written to the physical form (the "files") in one fell swoop. Any problem during the IO-operation causes the whole block to be deleted (rolled back).
Yes. The storing and loading process can be parallelized by using multiple threads and thus be strongly accelerated. There is no limitation on how many threads can be used, apart from the mathematical constraint that the thread count must be a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.).
Yes. There are currently two options available to create backups: An on-the-fly backup that copies and validates stored entity data after it has been written and the possibility to export all database files to a target location (which is in fact just a low-level file copying, but executed in a concurrency-safe way).
Yes. MicroStream provides a per-type export of binary data and a utility to convert its binary data into the CSV format. The other way around (convert CSV to binary an import binary files) is also possible.
No, because it doesn't need to. Such concerns are long covered by the application itself, with the DBMS usually being degraded to only being the application's exclusive database. Thus, all that is needed for a modern business application is just an application-exclusive data storage solution, which is exactely what MicroStream is.
Yes, if the data is structured in a format conforming to the entity classes and with references being represented in globally unique and bijective numbers. How hard that is for a given database depends on its specifics, but it can be as easy as executing one generically created SELECT per table.
Frequently Asked Questions - Answered
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).
The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at: