Touched Timestamp, Null-Safe Variant

Null-safe Lazy Reference Access

For convenience MicroStream provides Null-safe static access methods for lazy references.

These are

  • Lazy.get(Lazy) Gets the lazy referenced object, loads it if required. return value: null if the lazy reference itself is null otherwise the referenced object

  • Lazy.peek(Lazy) Get the lazy referenced object if it is loaded, no lazy loading is done. If the object has been unloaded before peek will return null. return value: null if the lazy reference itself is null otherwise the current reference without on-demand loading

  • Lazy.clear(Lazy) Clears the lazy reference if it is not null.

Touched Timestamp

All lazy references track the time of their last access (creation or querying) as a timestamp in milliseconds. If an instance is deemed timed out by a LazyReferenzManager its subject gets cleared.

The timestamp is currently not public accessible.

Last updated