Lazy and Eager Storing

This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).

The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:

The MicroStream engine supports two general storing strategies: lazy and eager storing. By default, MicroStream uses the lazy storing strategy.

These storing strategies differ in the way how objects, referenced by the object to be stored are handled if those referenced objects had already been stored.

Lazy Storing

Lazy storing is the default storing mode of the MicroStream engine.

Referenced instances are stored only if they have not been stored yet. If a referenced instance has been stored previously it is not stored again even if it has been modified.

Eager Storing

In eager storing mode referenced instances are stored even if they had been stored before. Contrary to Lazy storing this will also store modified child objects at the cost of performance.


To use lazy or eager storing explicitly, get an instance of the required Storer and use it's store methods:

Storer storer = storage.createEagerStorer();;

Available Storers are:



Standard storing:


will provide corresponding Storer instances.

Custom Handling

Beside the 'global' lazy or eager storing strategies MicroStream allows to implement an individual handling for the storing behavior. See PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluator for details.

Last updated