
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).

The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:

The default way to configure a JCache provider is to use the classjavax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration. This is mostly used to avoid provider specific code.

If you want to use all of MicroStream's Cache features, you can use our configuration implementation: one.microstream.cache.CacheConfiguration

CachingProvider provider     = Caching.getCachingProvider();  
CacheManager    cacheManager = provider.getCacheManager();   
CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> configuration = CacheConfiguration
			.Builder(Integer.class, String.class)
Cache<Integer, String> cache = cacheManager.createCache("jCache", configuration); 
cache.put(1, "Hello World"); 
String value = cache.get(1); 

To read an external configuration use CacheConfigurationLoader and CacheConfigurationParser or the Load*() methods of CacheConfiguration.

CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> configuration = CacheConfiguration
			.Load("", Integer.class, String.class);

If you just use CacheConfiguration.Load() the default configuration file is used, which is either a file in the classpath root named, or the path configured via the system property microstream.cache.configuration.path.

Last updated