
This is the manual for older MicroStream versions (Version < 5.0).

The new documentation (Version >= 5.0) is located at:

These are the available properties of the Configuration type. The names are used accordingly in the external configuration files. They can be found as constants in ConfigurationPropertyNames.

Detailed Description


Number of threads used by the storage engine. It depicts the numbers of subdirectories as well. Each thread manages one directory in which it writes to and reads from exclusively. The unity of thread, directory and the cached data therefor is called a "Channel".

                               [RAM ]{ Code }    |    (      Filesystem      )
               ,- "Channel 0": [Data]{Thread} <-I|O-> (Storage Subdirectory 0)
              /-- "Channel 1": [Data]{Thread} <-I|O-> (Storage Subdirectory 1)
StorageManager                                   |
              \-- "Channel 2": [Data]{Thread} <-I|O-> (Storage Subdirectory 2)
               '- "Channel 3": [Data]{Thread} <-I|O-> (Storage Subdirectory 3)


Number of milliseconds for the house keeping interval. House keeping tasks are, among others:

  • Garbage Collection

  • Cache Check

  • File Cleanup Check

In combination with houseKeepingNanoTimeBudget, it can be specified how many CPU time should be used for house keeping. E.g. interval=1000ms and budget=10000000ns means every second there's 0.01 seconds time for house keeping, so max 1% CPU time used for house keeping. This CPU time window is only used if house keeping work is pending. If nothing has to be done, no time is wasted.


Number of nanoseconds used for each housekeeping cycle. However, no matter how low the number is, one item of work will always be completed. But if there is nothing to clean up, no processor time will be wasted. Default is 10000000 (10 million nanoseconds = 10 milliseconds = 0.01 seconds). However, no matter how small the time is, one item is done at least. This is to avoid no-ops, if a too small time window is configured. This time budget is a "best effort" threshold, meaning when at 1ns left, a huge file has to be cleaned or the references of a huge collection have to be marked for GC, then this budget can be exceeded considerably.


Minimum file size in bytes of a storage file to avoid merging with other files during housekeeping. Must be greater than 1, maximum is 2GB.


Maximum file size in bytes of a storage file to avoid splitting in more files during housekeeping. Must be greater than 1, maximum is 2GB.

Due to internal implementation details files larger than 2GB are not supported!


The ratio (value in ]0.0;1.0]) of non-gap data contained in a storage file to prevent the file from being dissolved. "Gap" data is anything that is not the latest version of an entity's data, inluding older versions of an entity and "comment" bytes (a sequence of bytes beginning with its length as a negative value length header). The closer this value is to 1.0 (100%), the less disk space is occupied by storage files, but the more file dissolving (data transfers to new files) is required and vice versa.

Involved Types

This list shows which property configures which type, used by the foundation types, to create the storage manager.

Last updated